Rustic Oaks | Amazing Venue

It's not too early to think spring right? It's exactly zero degress at this second in North Dakota. I wanted to share quickly a recent post card design for the beautiful Rustic Oaks venue in Moorhead, Minnesota. I have been there on countless occasions for numerous events and if I were to plan my wedding again...a renewal perhaps, this would be the absolutely perfect place.

They are having an Open House this coming Saturday, on Valentine's Day! They are the perfect space for not only weddings but corporate events, women's retreats, bridal or baby showers as well just a weekend away. There was an adorable story on a couple that was engaged at the Inn while enjoying a weekend getaway.

On a little sidenote, my absolute favorite local fabric shop Modern Textiles recently had a women's retreat and I've heard nothing but great things about the staff, service and facility. If you would like to hear more they just whipped up this great recap on their blog. Check it out here:

Many blessings, Ashley

(PS I am diligently working on adding some adorable printables to my Etsy shop focused on this phase of motherhood. I'll hopefully get them added between playing Barbie's and changing diapers.)

Holidays 2014

Hello family & friends! Welcome to the Holiday season of 2014. With two littles in my life it makes the holidays even sweeter, and brings out the child in us as well! I am loving doing little crafts with my toddler and enjoying the cold winter snuggles with the baby. I have added a few new holiday card designs to my Etsy shop. There are some humorous ones as well!

Here are a few examples!

And a couple more of my favorites!

Here is the link to my Etsy shop:

There is the ability to order a custom card as well, everyone has their own ideas and I LOVE to hear them! Let me know if I can help out with your holiday mailings :) Enjoy your holiday and Christ our Saviour was born!

Shop opening soon!

With excitement and sleep deprivation I wanted to give everyone a head up' Etsy shop will be opening soon! In anticipation for our second blessing to join our family, as well as a career goal, I am working hard at getting it fully stocked with templates and ready to design graphics for my clients.

This is just a quick visual grasp of some of the birth and child announcements that I will have featured. There will also be Wedding Collections to include Save the Dates, Programs and Thank You cards as well as birthday and special occasion invitations. I have a few design art prints for your home, nurseries and children's room to include. I would also love to have some handmade items listed which will come and go.

What would you like to see me include? I'm willing to experiement and test anything that makes life a little bit easier for you, as well as supporting small businesses.